Miles Apart
Though many miles would part our way,
Your heart was with me in that day.
A minute here amoment
there, I took
You with me everywhere.
Out of sight is not out of mind, when you have a bond of a special
A day, a month, and then a year, the time Goes by before it's clear.
Love is strong through joy and
pain and through that insight we all shall gain.
Lisa Ann Noe
Copyright ©2007 Lisa Ann Noe

I awoke from a dream it was a horror but I did not scream. I imagined the world around me was staring at nothing but me
but that’s only because I can not see. I am in darkness I long for the light oh dear me its been a long night. I reach
my hands to the heavens high in the hopes God would return my sight. No I’m not blind yet I can’t see, for the
darkness around me it engulfs me. I’ve lost sight of that which I once knew was good and have fallen to darkness just
like I knew I would. I can’t find my way it is black and bleak now it’s only goodness I seek. I hoped it was a
dream but it’s real, My eyes can’t see tomorrow and now I can not feel. For I lost my way and now I search for
the meaning in every day.
Tonight I sit here torn, twisted in myself.
I am trapped between light and darkness, and indecision
consumes my thoughts. the dark I know will hurt me, but i'm drawn there Even so.
I saw madness or perhaps
it owned me...
The dark keeps pulling me down deep until i fall again into the madness. The screems, the torment,
it's in the dark...
Its pulling me closer, I scream for someone to help me but my screams will never be Heard. Heart
ache it has found me and chosen me for a symbol. indecision brings you down.
Lisa Ann Noe
Copyright ©2007 Lisa Ann Noe

God's Hand
There is a God in Heaven, though he I've never seen. His watchful eye is upon me as I find my way
through life. My brother he is every man, that's what my God would say. Never shall I leave him, no I will never
Earth was created for the man, it's said to be created by God's own hand.
My God he will forgive
me for the error of my way, though he will not forget it for in some way I sure must pay. God is in the Heaven's,
God is in the sea, God is in the air we breath, God is everything.
We that call upon him are protected by his
hand, from one nation to another it was he who laid the land.
Lisa Ann Noe
Copyright ©2007 Lisa Ann Noe

Raging River
-lisa noe-
Raging River crashing
Both giving and taking life
Nature determines the path.
The Funeral
Lisa Noe
I brought flowers to your funeral when you passed away. It was like a knife through my heart to see
my dear daddy lying so still . I cried a tear or two or three I knew I would never get over this scene. There was
a lump in my throat, I had a heavy heart, but it wasn't just me who had lost someone. All of the people,
to many to count came to pay respect to a man that they loved. The coffin was nice, as nice as one can be. The flowers
were beautiful and sweetness filled the air. At first I was afraid to see him and when I did, a flood ensued.
I don't want memories I want the real thing, that's all I could think of that's all I could say. I was compforted by my belief
in my God, for one day In heaven I'll see him again and it will be as if this moment had never been.
Now when I think of him it some times makes me giggle and sometimes it makes me cry but I never forget the
day that I saw your dreadful funeral and the coffin where you lay.
Escaping natures fury
Doom and destruction
Tomorrows never more.

Cascading Trees
Amidst the still waters
Display a hidden tranquility
City View
by Lisa Noe
Dashing into dank little caverns, paying money to ride the rail, a garden of sky scrapers, tower over the
busy streets. The inhabitants scurry about paying no attention to the passers-by or the residents of the street. A long
procession of mechanical paraphernalia crowds the street and smoke rises endlessly from the chimney of dozens of factories,
inwhich men toil and sweat.
A hundred or so sounds rig out from all directions and smog covers the blueness of the sky.
Money Talks
By Lisa Noe
Money talks, telling people they need it, they want it and that they have to have more.
Money talks, saying you can’t do without it and you must buy the store.
Ah but tis a pity for greed we do not need.
But money talks on loud and strong.
Using this one and that one as it goes along.
But stop! Don’t listen to its lies for it will get you in trouble and can make you be despised.
For money is nothing but trouble
Don’t fall into its trap.
Because money can surely give you a bad rap.

Love is
By Lisa Noe
Love is like a fine wine aged to perfection
It is a red rose with dewdrops dripping from the pedals; love is the sweet sound of a humming bird chirping overhead. Love
is a joyous emotion full of fun and surprise. Love is a gold medal at the Olympics; it is a special feeling between two people
who share everything together. Love is sharing your life with a special person. Your heart races, your palms sweats, you can’t
wait to see each other again. It’s the feeling you can do anything for you have someone beside you. Love is inspiration,
satisfaction, exuberant, exhilarating and charming. Love is that special feeling you get that nothing else can replace. Love
is undescribable…
