On this page I will ask you to give me your point of view. just email your philosophy to me using the email on
the home page. I'd like to put your views on line here to.

The dove of peace flies from site to site to as many countries as possible. Please help it make a line around the
globe by taking it to your website, and passing it on to others, uniting us all in love and peace.
hi I'm Sassafrass I hope you enjoy the tales

The long path home
This is a long path with many ways to go. It is frigtening and confusing, The wrong path is overwhelmingly tempting.
It is filled with all matters of beauty and wealth, it is full of fast times and glorifying those things. A heart may
feel good for a brief time, but the path deceived that one who came and seeked happiness from such treasures. There
are many ways to go, don't follow every teacher, listen, study, use what makes you human. Don't blindly be led through life
you have the word. Beware?? Some will take you to hate, some to deceit. There's only one way to find the right direction
on life's path; open your heart and love, use your mind and learn, spreaqd your arms and accept, turn your cheek and forgive.
A palace awaits, a family awaits, a father awaits at the end.
Life's Meaning
by Lisa Noe
I sit pondering the meaning of life, why we have it, why we lose it, and I can't figure it out, what on
earth is it all about. Oh I know the true meaning is love, and that God's always watching from up above.
He will set all things straight, this I believe, corruption will discepate. Why are we here I wish I could ask,
I guess it's God's will that we finish our task. In my mind's eye I see God's kingdom ornate, for in he I know that
all things are great. To love thy neighbor as one loves himself and to do for others with out expecting
wealth. These are the meanings, this is why we are here, the meaning of life has just become clear. 

A reason for me
by Lisa Noe
I heard the bombs bursting, I was frightened but brave, for I knew my purpose was to help and save. The rain started
pouring, a strong smell of smoke filled the air, The guns were blasting all around me but still I forged on wallering
in the merck and mud. I heard a shot ring out very near when I looked around it became clear, that my comrad
in arms had fallen to the bullet which struck him in the chest. The blood was oosing, a strong stream began
to flow. For me every thing, it seemed slow. I rushed to his side and took off my shirt I pressed it upon the
place he was hurt. I screamed for a medic to take him away to a makeshift hospital located down the way.
He cried out in pain, and my heart was heavy for no one was comming to give us aid. So I took him in my
arms and ran as if something was chasing me. I knew I was his only chance and I did'nt want this to be
his last dance. He whispered to me, to leave him behind, or I could end up with a fate the same kind. I shook
my head and told him to hush, This is the reason I came to this brush. The jungle was tangled with vines all
around so there were plenty of places where we would not be found. I saw as it were a troop of men, Americans,
thank goodness for kin. These are my brothers, We're far from home, In a land where we are quite unknown.
They rushed to my side, bringing a gurny for my friend. We got him to a mash unit and in time he recovered. Back
out I went full of glee knowing their was a reason for me. 
for my daddy, a humanitarian even in war...

Little One 
Little one can you tell me what it's like to see the world for the first time. Everything is knew,
and everthing holds promise for you. Your sparkling little eyes tell a story of surprise and amazement. It's so
electrifying to watch you bounce about; here a scream and there a shout, and no care in this world. Little one, may
the pureness you possess stay with you through all the rest of your life.
-Lisa Noe-
© MissKittyNoe 2007, All rights reserved
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My Faded Dream
She was once so beautiful, as she shined a bright glare in the sun. She could ride like th wind,
and make me feel free and young. I
controled her or perhaps she controled me but never-the-less it was pure fantacy, the flight I took in that old charger.
But that was thrirty years
ago, and she has changed quite a bit. Rust runs along the once shinny chrome and the blue leather seats are ripped
at their seems. It saddens
me to see the old girl sitting without her freedom without her attention it is sad, this ending, for something once so

People, chattering,gossiping, and worrying themselves with others business.
People turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to their families, and neighbors in need.
People, out buying, and out doing one another.
always wanting more and better.
People, creating weapons to destroy their brother
and poluting the environment and land.
People, producing the end.
