
short stories



Finding Heaven's Gate

It was a rainy morning with thunder roaring loudly, I could feel it inside my body and I trembled with fear.  The rain poured from the heavens as if someone had turned on a fountain.  Being afraid of the storm, I took my cat and cuddled with him under the blanket, holding him tightly.

Ibegan praying to God,asking that he make the weather clear and allow us to brave the storm.  I fell asleep and when I awoke the rain had departed.  A beautiful rainbow was in the sky.  The air felt fresh and cool; such a wonderful fragrance lingered.  Little did I know that the very next day would be the worst day of my life.

It started out to be a fair enough day; however, that was to change.  I recall sitting in my kitchen talking to my mom on the phone.  We were discussing my father.  He had been ill for a few weeks and he was only getting worst.  My mom told me they were going to take my father to the veterans hospital for treatment.  I waited until the afternoon when my husband go home and the two of us drove the two hour trip to the VA hospital.  When we arrived we found that my father had been admitted.

He was suffering with pain in his legs, his hands trembled fiercely, and he was losing weight rapidly.  He was 44 years old.  That night my father argued with mom telling her to go home, there was nothing she could do at the hospital.  We all left reluctantly.  The next morning we returned to find that my father had taken a turn for the worst.  They had to move him to ICU.  The doctor informed my mom that it looked like lung cancer.  My poor sweet mother was just in a daze, she did not know how to handle such news.  She had always depended on my father for everything, as we all did.  I did not realize, in my youth what cancer of this type meant or death for that matter.

My father was in excruciating pain, and I shall never forget how badly he wanted a glass of water, of which he was denied for medical reasons.  But my father being bull headed decided to let his ice chips melt and then he happily consumed his water.  Whether it was the drugs he had been given or perhaps som spiritukal; vision he described a wedding taking place, and this he saw.

My heart was broken unlike  its never been before or since.  I cried non-stop in private.  I remained strong for my mothers sake.  I felt as if m soul died.  I admired my father, ad love him.  He was the most unselfish person I ever met. He was a friend to everyone, the elderly and the children were drawn to him as if he were a magician performing awesome feats.

The very next day around the hour of 10:00 my father had a cardiac arrest and died.  The heavy burden that sweet precious man had to live with were no more.  He had been a veteran of the Vietnam war.  He spent countless hours trying to overcome the insanity he was witness to.  He carried a guilt within himself and I can't find the words to describe.  He had sprayed the jungles with a poison unknown to him.  He would never get over that and thats what took his life to.

My mother is now a widow and I am now faherless.  My mother moved from our house into an apartment and has been alone ever since.  I will never get over the death of my father, my heart hurts and I feel empty like a turtle without its shell.  People say it gets easier as time goes by but I don't believe them.  Every time it rains I think about my father, when it storms I know he's with me at least in spirit.  That helps me from being so afraid.

Speaking of my fathers spirit, I remember one time I had to be put in the hospital to have surgery, I was so terrified.  After my surgery I developed complications and had to have a blood transfusion.  My doctors were terribly concerned that I was losing blood, but they couldn't find where it was coming from.  I was so sick.  That night the nurse had taken my pulse and it was dangerously high.  I had four doctors treating me and not one of them could figure out what was going on.  All of a sudden I looked out of my second story window and like magic the window evaporated and black sky with tiny lights led into my room.  A figure of some sort came gliding into view and my heart was excited, there was no fear.  This figure was as a shadow and surrounding him was a glowing light. 

At that point I heard the voice of my father calling my name, "Lisa, Lisa, your going to be ok."  He positioned himself behind me above the head of my bed,  He laid his hand down on my shoulder.  "I want to go with you" I declared as I tried to pull myself up by the bed railings.  It was no use, I was to week.  I fell asleep and I awoke the next morning and I was feeling better, my blood count was normal, my pulse was better and everything.  I surely would have died if I hadn't been met by my father at heaven's gate.




  Special Guest Author unknown

I have heard a few stories that have really touched my heart one in particular that was written by an unknown writer, I shall recant it for you to the best of my recollection.

A woman went out to check her mail and when she read the letter inside she was flabbergasted by it, you see she had received a special letter stating that "I will be your guest for dinner to day". And it was signed God.

Well The woman went inside looking in her refrigerator for what she might fix for supper, but she had nothing fit. She was a poor woman with meager funds she only $5 so she decided to go to the market and get some milk, bread, and turkey to fix.

As she was leaving the store a man and woman approached her asking for some money so they may get them something to eat,they were hungry. The man and his wife were dirty and smelly; she told them she was sorry but she had only the groceries in the bag and no more money and she had a special dinner guest coming for dinner. The man shook his head stating he understood and he and his wife turned to leave. When a familiar feeling came across the woman and she called after them telling them to take the food, she would figure out something else. Now she noticed that the woman had no coat and that she was trembling terribly, so she told the woman take my coat, I have another at home.

When she arrived home she noticed a letter in her mailbox with surprise, she read it.

"I enjoyed having a meal with you and I thank you for the coat it was cold." Signed God.


Life at the rink
by lisa noe
 When I was about 10 years old,way back years ago, I loved to go roller skating
 and I was pretty good at it to. I could skate very fast, go backward, sideways and
I enjoyed it immensley. My sister and me and a few of our friends would talk
daddy into taking us all and saying we all belonged to him, that way we all got in
 for one price $2, It was family night you see. My dad used to laugh and say they
must think I have a litter, because every week we'd bring different friends. One
night at the rink I was skating in the middle of the floor when my boot string came
untied and I triped over it falling to the ground with an enormous thump. If that
wasn't enough, another skater, who wasn't watching what she was doing ran right
 over my arm. I had tried to break my fall by putting my hands down to catch
myself. But my arm was broken terribly, the bone protruded through the skin of
my fore arm and it was mashed together like an accordian. The adults at the rink
ran over to help me, I didn't cry till I looked down and saw the horrible looking site.
My friend who had come with me got physicaly sick when she saw the horror of it
all. I spent all night practically in the emergency room and a Orthepedic specialist
worked tirelessly to set my arm. They had a hard time. It was the first time I ever
had an x-ray and I thought they were going to cut my arm off. I heard the tech say
cut it off here, meaning the x-ray. but I thought they meant my arm. The next day
was horrible, I felt so bad, tired from the ordeal and the pain pills and on top of it
all my sweet little poodle died. I hated the cast it was miserable, It itched and oH
Lord was it hot, it was Mississippi in the summer time. To sooth the itch, I used
coat hangers, rulers,pencils, and anything else I could shove down in there. I had
to wear that stupid thing for 8 weeks. I still didn't allow that to interfear with my
love of skating. As I got many more miles on my skates over the years. I've
experienced a few more broken bones, from my collar bone to my foot, and my
other arm, however I can't blame skating for all of that. I look back and say "What
 a good time I've had, It's been worth it.


They have feelings to
lisa noe
I saw them through the dense wooded forest, taking out guns and bows and arrows as if they had the right.  I wandered to myself what were they going to chase after.  It soon became clear as a beautiful 10 point buck came in to view..  I, being an avid animal lover decided to scream towards the dear to try and scare it off.  "Get,Get Going? I shouted as fierce and loud as I could.  sure enough
it startled the dear and he took off through the woods quickly.  The hunters got off a few shots but thankfully they missed him this time.  They were terribly angry with me.  But I did'nt care, I explained to them how deer are much like humans in that they have one partner and a family, which they have feelings for like love.  I explained how animals can get lonely, depressed, excited or any other emotions that we experience.  They grieve when you kill a mate or child or parent.  Who are you to play God with these lives, and treat them as if they are of no importance.  If you kill for a sport, or to stuff the carcas this is wrong.  In todays society you don't have to kill animals and consume their flesh in order to lead a happy healthy life.  So, There it is, I have every right to save the life of a creature who has feelings.  No wander wildlife is so frightened of people.  save our deer.


Within His Eyes
by Lisa Noe,

The look in the tigers’ eye was one of misery, as he slept near the entrance of the makeshift cage in the city zoo.  As I peered at him through the bars I could tell he had had it hard. I wondered what had happened to him to give him this tormented look.  Had he been abused by his captors or lost his mate?

I watched as the zoo-keeper fed the poised beast. The tiger took the leg of meat and sunk his sharp fangs into it, tearing it apart. He then proceeded to lick the bone and then he washed himself. This didn’t change the fact that he was a prisoner being peered at by passers-by. He was once a great hunter, self reliant, self sufficient, and free to roam the wilderness as he pleased. 

That’s the look that’s in his eye, yes, it is hopelessness. He's yearning to break free, to live a life without control. He’s not a spectacle to be glared at. He is a proud and strong creature, created by the same God that created us all.  He needs not to be chained and confined. He needs to run free, catching his own food.


The Dark Woods

By Lisa Noe

It was late at night, in the wilderness when I felt his eyes staring at me, Who no what might it be Searching me over as if I were a dessert on a tray. I was frightened but I could not show the fear for the wild beast could since it and it could give him cause to attack. His black fur was wired all stiff and rough looking. His face was what I once would have called cute, but now that I’m face to face with the critter he is very alarming. His teeth are as jagged knives in his mouth, and his claws appear as razor sharp. He stands up tall and I’m amazed How huge he is, but he is clumsy at best.

Will he come after me? Will he continue in the woods? This thing whose eyes peer back at me is a black Kentucky Bear. He watches me, my every move and considers me a tress – passer in his home. He comes into my camp and I know my life is gone, but he simply takes the food I have within his giant jaws and walks off silently into the blackness of the night.


In the heat of the night I felt as if there were a flame shooting across my body, It must have been 90 degrees and the small fan I had to cool my self with, stopped working, I couldn’t sleep in such misery

So I got up and began to write in my journal as I usually did each night. I sit at the desk and tried to think of what to write but for the heat’s sake I could not continue I had brain block from the heat. I walked to the next room and looked around kind of taking inventory of all of the things I had collected over the years. All of a sudden a sharp loud noise whistled by me and a bright light lit up the night like it was noon. I quickly ran to the window to see what it was and I could see nothing but a very brilliant light. I was afraid but more curious I believe so I kicked open the front door grabbed a baseball bat for protection and I stepped onto the porch. I looked all around but I could see nothing but that darn light. So I walked into the light, towards it. The noise had simmered and was now just a small humming noise. I walked just a small distance and the light weekend till it finally disappeared. I then took my flash- light I had taken from the desk and flashed in the direction that had been lit.

My eyes grew wide as I saw a peculiar machine of some sort sitting there humming with little green lights around all the windows and it was round and silver just like what you would picture a flying saucer would look like. I wondered to myself if there was life in there? Alien Life? I was afraid, I didn’t know what to do. But before I could run or contemplate further the door opened and out came a man. Oh my, he looked like me but dressed differently, in robes . "You There" he said to me "Why do stand before me today?" I was shaking, not knowing if he was a good guy or a bad guy. What was he going to do to me? I-I don’t really know, I just followed the light. "You know it is time for you, I have come to take you home." What do you mean, Who are you? I asked. Some call me an alien, others call me an angel, I am a Servant to my master and I bring his children home to him when they have fulfilled the task required of their life. "

Oh My Word, I thought you had to be dead for an angel to gather you to the father? I said surprisingly. "Oh my child you are dead, the heat you felt earlier in the night was your spirit leaving your body, you can go back to the house, your body is still lying in the bed where you died of a heart attack." This is not a sad occasion for you will be reunited with all of your loved ones and you will see the face of the father." It is a time to rejoice for your work is behind you and your reward is at hand. I believed him, he just had a calming effect on me. I followed him in to the Cherubum as he called it and off we went to my new future.


Cupid was at it again, making men and women fall in love head over heals. I guess it has happened more often in history than practically any thing else and there are plenty of young and older men and women falling madly in love at first sight. Any one who has ever been in love or stricken by Cupid’s arrow knows the unbelievable thrill or "high" of being in love, and lets face it who wouldn’t want that feeling. Cupid has much to add to the world, he makes it a brighter place to be. That is love , not just physical love but true love of each other, of our fellow man, makes the world spin around. Cupid is the bringer of all love, he is responsible for the love you feel for a child, a spouse, a parent, a sibling, even the love you feel for your neighbor, and that I hope you do. But who is Cupid really, a mythical god of the ancient world depicted with wings and a bow and arrow? I think not! He is the bringer of love, who is Cupid, God?


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stories can be fiction or memoir type.

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