
your winning poetry

Author : unknown

A chance encounter of the best kind

A meeting arranged by fate.

Two souls have come together

Two hearts can now relate.

Exploring has uncovered

A tender love sublime,

Whose roots are strong and deep,

To withstand the test of time.

This much, I know within my heart,

That you are meant for me;

To share with me the joys of life;

Throughout Eternity.


 The puppet masters
August 2007
Aimlessly I roam through life never knowing where I will land.
Never knowing if I will trip and fall or receive a helping hand.
I get pulled here and there, turned this way and that,
like a puppet on a string
and the sad part you see is their not thinking of me.
They master me like a fine craft
I'm trapped in the middle, there is no way to be freed.
They turn and ask me is there something I need.
They care for me and love me but control is the game.
I love and I care about them just the same.
Perhaps I need a bit of control
to help me strenghthen my soul.
For now I'll follow their lead for a while
I won't let it get me down I learn to accept this problem with style.
I really love these people you see,
these masters of me.

                                                  rose bud
                                               January 2008

Beauty and elegance describes this tender plant.  Dew drops a dripping from the tightly wound pedals, the sweet smell a fragrance of desire to gaze at it turns my heart to fire.  A gift of pure beauty given from a bove no wonder so many people send it to show love.  Roses of red,of yellow and peach the white ones and the pink ones and all shades in between represent honor, respect,purity and more. for a rose bud is something I simply adore.


Our Love

By Lisa Noe

For Johnny

Remembering the past is a joyous task

I love to relive those special times.

Those times when you and I stole away in to a corner

Loving on each other with all of our souls.

Remembering the giggles and the laughs we shared as we discussed growing old together. The contentment of those moments are so satisfying to us both. Love turns what is common place in to beauty and in to grace. Love is special more special than time I’m so glad that you are mine. I remember yesteryear, in my mind it is so clear. Our Love will last an eternity because our hearts do beat as one and living with you makes life fun.



 monthly contest will be held the 1st of every month. 
winning submissions will be published on this page along
with the pen name of author.  if you wish to email a picture of
yourself you man do so, it must be a head/shoulder view only.
email info on front page. use contest photo in subject line of email.
next deadline The 1st of each month for poetry contest.




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