
About Me

.: Get one @ :.


Hi, I guess you are wondering who I am about right now.  Well as you know, my name is Lisa Noe and I am from Harlan Co. Ky.  I fancy myself to be a writer although it's a stretch, ha ha.  I used to work for the Harlan Daily Enterprise here in my town as a writer. I also worked for WHLN Radio station here, where I was a reporter and on air news person.  I liked both jobs, but due to health problems I had to give them up.  But never-the-less I still keep a hand in writing, as I write children's books and sale them. 
I attended college in 2001 and finished high school in '85, business school in '86,I guess that tells you about how old I'm getting to be. oh nooooo!  I love to write poetry, I'm not very good at it but I enjoy it any way.
I'm very happily married for the past 21 years, we have no kids but we have a little pug named Bubba and a Russian blue cat named Mingo.  They are spoiled more than any child would be.  We love our babies greatly.



Life's Questions
Lisa Noe
Here am I yet who am I,
I sit and ponder and wonder why.
Why am I and when will I die
I guess these questions we all will ask
until we finish God's great task.
what do I stand for, whats good in my life.
can I overcome great strife.
what accomplishment have I fullfilled
have I been active or have I been still.
so many questions that are raised
will I answer them in all my days.

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